Refunds & Returns

Refund & Returns Policy


When you receive your order, please check all your items immediately to make sure they are correct and working.
For health and safety reasons, we only accept returns of defective or incorrect items.
You can return the item to us for a replacement within 30 days after delivery.
Please make sure your items are in there original packaging, or unfortunately there is no reimbursement.


If you need to return the item, this is what you need to do:
Contact us to let us know the problem and await our approval to return the item.
Send the undamaged item in original packaging with a note explaining the reason for the return.
We will either refund or exchange on receipt of the item; please let us know your preference.
Also include any extras that may have been included with the shipment.
Allow up to 3 weeks for us to receive and process your order.


If you are returning the item for a refund or replacement due to a defect or a shipping error made by us, once we receive the item, we will credit the full amount of your order or send a replacement with no additional fees.
Shipping charges will only be refunded if the error was ours or the item was defective.
If you have any other questions or problems then please don’t hesitate to contact us.